Saturday, February 4, 2012

Just checking in.

We're still visiting in Florida and there is snow on the ground at home. Last night it was 10F in Knox ME and 56F in Jax FL. We are starting our trip back north shortly and hope to be in Knox by late March. But not much Tiki work will get accomplished since I decided last fall to ride my trike across country starting in May. So real work on the Tiki will have to wait until Aug/Sept 2012.


  1. And the boat? we wait.


  2. Hi Roger, We're back to Knox, but I'm now active building a teardrop trailer to support my across the USA trike ride. The trailer is occupying the Tiki work area. I'm excited about getting back to the Tiki, but I'm also really excited about the ride and it's coming first. So back to the Tiki in Aug/Sept.
    I would love to read your Tiki blog, can you install the google language translator please. I just added it to mine and it seems to work OK.
